How to Send .Mobi Files to Your Kindle Device by Email:

  1. Download .mobi file to your computer.
  2. Log in to your Amazon account on your browser.
  3. Go to "Manage Your Content and Devices". Click on the "Settings" tab.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and make sure that the email address from which you will be sending your attachment to your Kindle account is included as an "approved email address."
  5. Scroll up slightly and find the registered device you want to read your document on. Copy the Kindle email address for that device.
  6. In your email account, compose a new email addressed to the address you just copied. (Paste address into the "To" field.) Attach the .mobi file from the location where you saved it on your computer.
  7. Wait about fifteen minutes while Kindle processes the request. Check the device library to see if the document is there. (It will be under "All Items" or "Documents" in your app library.)
  8. Read and enjoy!