Talena Winters

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Want a Friday Night Date with a sweet new book?

One cold winter's night in 2013, I was sewing myself a summer dress (because that is completely logical, right?), and for the first time ever, I used the couture technique of setting my zipper in by hand.

I've been sewing for a long time. Like, since I was nine. No, I'm not going to lay out exactly how many years that is. But it's enough to know that even though I have learned a lot, and am a much more particular, patient, and skillful seamstress than I used to be (oh! how I would love another crack at my wedding dress!) I am still far from what one would consider a "couture designer."

As I sat and hand-stitched my zipper, I wondered what might inspire someone to self-teach themselves to be a top-level designer.

How long would that take? And why would they do it?

Thus, the spark of an idea for The Friday Night Date Dress was born.

Today, the book is full-fledged and ready for the world, and here I am, pushing it out of the nest.

It has taken a lot of time. And a steep learning curve. And some major work. But my debut inspirational romance novella is being released today.

Ironically, my main character is dealing with a terrible loss. Also ironically, I finished getting the files ready for publishing the night before Levi died.

Now that I have experienced this kind of grief first-hand, I wouldn't change a thing about the way Melinda handles her grief. Her story is one of hope, healing, and love.

Eventually, our family will find healing. The process has already begun, but it's a slow one. For now, we cling to hope that healing will happen.

Please take a few moments to check out the book's page, share the link, and maybe even buy it for yourself for a friend.

What better way to spend a Friday night, right? (Wink, wink. "Friday night." Get it?)

I'm such a geek.

May your weekend be blessed, friends!