Winters’ Day In

Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?

Inspiration, Vacation, Essay Talena Winters Inspiration, Vacation, Essay Talena Winters

Dear Lady Behind Me at Starbucks

I see you there, with your screwed-up face and your well-coiffed hair and your impatient gesture each time someone in the line in front of you dares to order one more thing. I was much like you for many years, and once in a while, I see your eyes looking back at mine from the mirror. May I remember that Kindness is Never Wasted. I hope you learn this, too, my Lady.

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Inspiration, Journal, Photography Talena Winters Inspiration, Journal, Photography Talena Winters

Photo Friday: Become Brave

The theme of my life for the last several months has been about becoming brave. My life has become less about protecting myself, and more about how my life can bless others. Sometimes, the things I have done have cost me. But for the most part, they have helped my heart and my courage to grow. Here are some lessons I've learned on the way.

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Inspiration Talena Winters Inspiration Talena Winters

Just Start

Obstacles will always be there, right in front of everything you want to achieve or do, from painting a room to building a multi-national company. At the beginning, when there are the most obstacles between you and your goal, it is tempting to focus on those and decide that the end result just isn't worth the effort.

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Grief, Inspiration, Journal Talena Winters Grief, Inspiration, Journal Talena Winters

If I'm Going to Save the World Today, Maybe I Should Put On Some Pants

When everything extraneous has been stripped from your life by a loss, and you are left naked and broken, sometimes just getting your pants on in the morning is a big deal. But you look for those moments that you see progress, too. Moving forward, whether in small steps, or giant leaps--in the end, that's the only thing I can really ask of myself.

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Inspiration, Writing Talena Winters Inspiration, Writing Talena Winters

The Cost of Talent

I am a strong believer in being the best person you can be. Not in some humanist, "you-aren't-living-unless-you-achieve-your-full-potential" way. But in an "I'm-grateful-for-the-person-I-am" way.

Are you grateful for the talents you have?

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