Friday Good Things

I love spring! Here are some other really great things about today:

  • The sound of water dripping out of our blocked eaves-troughs--it means the snow is melting off the roof, landing in my front flower-beds, facing my almost-snowless front yard, and getting it ready for the sunflower seeds I am going to plant almost a month early this year! (If the winters be hard let the springs be early, I say.)

  • The TULIPS that are poking up in said front flower-bed! YIPPEE!

  • My husband's just-got-home kisses.

  • Three little boys that were well-behaved all day during errands.

  • Reading with my kids.

  • Jabin picking out a library book completely unaided for the first time--and the fact that he picked I Want A Pirate Suit, and that he loves it so much already, is just perfect. (I think I secretly want to be a pirate. But a nice one--none of this raping and pillaging stuff. Do you think there is a market for nice pirates?)

  • A craft room that is about half-way through the spring cleaning/reorganization process. I've been ignoring it all winter, piling scrapbooking stuff around my dining room table and tripping small children with it, because a) I was too busy to take the time to put things away properly in my craft room, so I would just throw things in there randomly, b) the mending projects were crowding out space for everything else, and c) it was too cold in that basement mid-winter to inspire me to freeze my knackers off to remedy the situation. Last night, I went and bought about 20 largish shoe-box-sized Rubbermaid containers, and the organization frenzy began, not abating until the wee hours. (There is something so therapeutic about uninterrupted organizing, I was hesitant to quit.) I shall be tackling the rest tonight.

  • Movie night with my hubby tonight.

  • The chocolate chip & banana cookies I shall be making shortly to be consumed during the movie. Mmm-mmm. Wanna come over?

  • These amazing kids:


Organization Pirate


Hey, Look! We got a family photo!