The Science of a Happy Marriage


Last year, I signed up as one of the "Pioneer" members of Happify , a site that promotes personal happiness through daily activities. Confession: I haven't been a very good pioneer member. Since I am, in general, a pretty happy person (other than, you know, those three or four days a month that hormones are to blame for), and the few "tracks" I tried were not earth-shattering news to me (Yes, I know that finding positive in my children and spouse allows me to be in a better mood, rather than dwelling on the negative; Yes, I know that acts of service for others make me appreciate them more and feel better about myself), I think that the site is a FABULOUS idea, and know of many others, including many Christians, who may benefit from time spent thinking about what really brings happiness and meaning to their lives. The activities are fun and easy, and really only take about 5 minutes per day most of the time.

Happify just created the following "infographic" about what scientists have discovered about happy marriages. I thought it was pretty interesting, and a bit fun to read, so I am resharing with you.

If you would like to increase your happiness on a daily basis, I recommend checking "Happify" out. (Click on the image to be taken to the full-page version--BIGGER TEXT!!)

The Science of a Happy Marriage by Happify
Talena Winters

I help readers, writers, and brands elevate the ordinary and make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


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