Winters’ Day In

Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?

Family, Music Talena Family, Music Talena

Public Service Announcement

Today was the Winter Recital I host for my students. Jude was first up on the marquis. The rest of the recital went well--I'm so proud of all of my students! Days like this really bring out the rewarding part of my work.

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Journal, Music Talena Journal, Music Talena

Not an Ordinary Performance

I am a songwriter. Anyone who's read my profile has figured that out. Although not writing as prolifically as I once did, due to the daily ins and outs of raising a family, running a business, and the fact that I sold my piano a year and a half ago when I thought we were moving overseas, I still occasionally come out with a few gems. Unfortunately, due to said lack of piano, my playing skills are not currently up to my own standards for performing, so for this reason I have not shared my music with anyone for well over two years.

Until tonight.

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