Winters’ Day In

Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?

Inspiration Talena Winters Inspiration Talena Winters

Working with Impostor Syndrome

When it comes to self-makeovers, there is no louder voice about what "should be done" than the one coming from between our ears. And there is nothing wrong with self-reflection and a determination to do something better in the coming year. But there are certain things that we will never be “ready” for until we start doing them.

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Journal, Writing Talena Winters Journal, Writing Talena Winters

Insanely Optimistic

Some days, writing fiction for a living feels like walking through sludge in a mudstorm. I'm going to be honest—I spend a little bit of every day wondering if I'm actually going to be able to pull this off. But no risk, no reward. Right?

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